► Lower limb
Musdes of the thigh and the hip
► ►
M gluteus maximus
(Foramen infrapiriforme)
M obturatorius internus
Lig sacrotuberale
M obturatorius internus
Tuber ischiadicum
M adductor magnus
M, gracilis
M semitendinosus
M biceps femoris, Caput longum
Crista iiiaca
M gluteus médius
M, vastus lateralis
M. biceps femoris, Caput breve
A poplitea
M gastrocnemius, Caput laterale
M semimembranosus
M semitendinosus, Tendo
M. semimembranosus, Tendo
M gastrocnemius, Caput mediale
M gluteus minimus
(Foramen suprapiriforme)
M. piriformis
M gemellus superior
M tensor fasciae latae
M gemellus inferior
M quadratus femoris
M gluteus medius
Trochanter major
Bursa trochanterica
musculi glutei maximi
M gluteus maximus
M adductor minimus
M adductor mag nus
M biceps femoris, Caput longum
T43, T45. T46
Fig. 1340
Muscles of the thigh and the hip;
the gluteus maximus and medius muscles have
been partially removed;
dorsal view.
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